My day started out like this....another beautiful sunrise as seen from my patio.
As the morning progressed...... I could only think of going here!!!

I started painting some watercolor paper adding a touch of metallics. I stamped it with a frame from Stampers Anonymous and a quote from Catslife Press.
The center is sliced open and peeled back to reveal Mr. Extraordinary,,,,,,
"el gato gordo",,,,Benny.
The card itself is stamped with a definition from Catslife Press which defines the meaning of cats life. It reads as follows,,,,,
catslife (kats´lif) n. 1.the opposite of dog´s life and rat race. independent lifestyle, with plenty of naps, snacks, toys, afternoons of sunshine and back-scratches.
What a lifestyle,,,,,sounds good to me.
Oh how beautiful, the art, the cat and the wonderful little story to go with all the pictures. Your art is stunning!
Beautiful card, cute kitty cat, amazing watercolour! I'm so glad you started a blog
isa xx
What a gorgeous kitty! Thanks for sharing the photos from all around you - I love the story they tell :)
Your watercolors are amazing; I especially love this one of the winter scene- and not just because it's hot as hades today! Do you have a gallery where you sell your art?
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