This is going to be a Red and White week.
This card was made using the assembly line process.
Lay your cards on your work table. Get your watercolors ready. Grab that two inch wide brush
and W-H-OOOOOO-S-H it across each consecutive card.
Remove your cat from the worktable....important step!
Of course,,,laughing all the way and making spirits bright,,,don´t forget a splash of water here and a spritz of paint there. I told you to remove the cat didn´t I. Add a few fibers and presto....you have yourself a one layer card ready for the post.
Over at Keep It Simple they are displaying lots of Christmas cards,,,go have a look.
I'm really enjoying your red and white cards!
very pretty...and maybe Ill leave my white cat on the table...wouldnt that look festive...Lol...I like your assembly line style...FuN..!
hab gerade ein bisschen durch deinen blog gescrollt und gesehen, dass du in letzter zeit viel in rot/weiß gemacht hast... gefällt mir sehr gut, diese kombi!! auch das "keep it simple" prinzip verliere ich zu oft aus den augen...
dank dir übrigens für deine konstanten kommentare bei meinen scrapsquares... freue mich sehr über dein feedback!! :))
Red and White with a touch of black is amazing! Love this! So where is the picture of the cat?? If my Dalmatian could get up on the table, she probably would!!
Another beautiful red-white Christmas card!
A most unusual card Cynnie. I tried this technique with next doors parrot but it turned out quite a bit different to yours.......lol
Annette x
What a relief you removed the cat :)
What a nice way to make an easy card! Lovely result!
Oh wow was wieder für ein tolles Werk.
Gefällt mir wahnsinnig gut Cynnie.
it's a lovely card Cynnie, let the cat help, you can achieve some fun unexpected results from that :)
I love this.....I can imagine the assembly line process, Cynnie....simple yet beutiful card...happy week to you!!
Red and white- really nice! I can just see you waving your brush like a wand- What a GREAT idea of just lining up those cards and sweeping the brush across them. Our poor animals just want to get creative too. As a quilter I layout my "in progress" quilts on the floor. My dog will ALWAYS lay right in the middle of all that new fabric.
At first, I thought it was a red sash on a gauzy white chemise! Does that make any sense at all? ;-) Love the look...and the feeling!
Joyeux Meow!!!
Love the way you SWOOSHHH Cyn
Deine Karten sehen klsse aus! Rot - weiß gefällt mir auch super gut...es kann auch noch ein bißchen gold dabei sein :-)
love your W-H-OOOOOO-S-H
on that card Cyn
Im enjoying red for a change
Lillian Mederak.
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