Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Mango Fool

I am busy working on lots of projects but I had to take a
break today and add my thumbnail sketch to

I wanted to post this sketch when the
watercolor painting was finished. I did not
want Anneke to see this at such an early stage
but it is also a plug for the Mango Fool dessert,,,
which by the way is quite tasty.

I have until Tuesday I better get back
to work here on this beautiful Sunday
in paradise.


Anonymous said...

I found it interesting to see the early stages of your process of creating a watercolour.
Love to see more of these.

Christine said...

I agree with Lynne. Love the colour swatches underneath.

Jeany said...

wow, how cool is this, great work cynnie i like it already ☺ Have a great sunday

Marlene said...

This is a lovely painting and I love mango's, bet the dessert is as delicious as your painting. It was fun to see your prelim sketch and color palette.

Morph Waffle said...

What fun to see your process!

Netty said...

I agree with Lynne your post is very interesting and am looking forward to seeing the next stage. Enjoy your Sunday. Annette x

WrightStuff said...

If you have any of that mango fool left over, you can send it my way!

Heather said...

this is a fun challenge! I like the colors you picked for it, too! you will have to share when you finish the watercolor! have a great sunday -

EVA said...

Fascinating sketchbook page! Looking forward to seeing what it inspires.

Godelieve said...

I too love to see this!! I recognized Anneke's mango fool bowl immediately. This looks very promising with the paint swatches ...

Linda Vincent said...

I always love seeing sketchbook pages .....very inspiring Cynnie.

Joni Nickrent said...

Can't wait to see the finished painting! sketch looks great!

Victoria said...

Wonderful post..super lovely colors..Shine on!
Happy PPf!

Debbie said...

Nice sketch, I'm looking forward to seeing it completed!

apinkdreamer said...

so unique sketch!
have a wonderful week!!!

Anneke said...

Me too, I want to see more Cynnie :)
Looks fab already! Now you made me curious to see more!!!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Happy Sunday Sketches! Great start to the Mango Fool Challenge.

Steph said...

HI Cynnie..this is looking watercolors and I'm looking forward to see the complete piece... cheers :))

Kristin Dudish said...

I love the swatches of color under the sketch! I'll look forward to seeing your finished watercolor :)


Catharina Maria said...

This is a lovely post , love to see something likes that .
Love ♥RINI♥

~*~Patty S said...

What fun to see a page of your sketchbook...super with the paint looks frame worthy to me!!!

Now you've made me hungry...I am a fool for mangoes myself ;)
Happy New Art Week to you!

Anonymous said...

I adore the look of this page! There is something so inspirational about swatches of paint...I think they speak to "endless possibilities"...

The fun surprise of your stripes on the green swatch was brilliant! Xo

Evelyn S. said...

Oh, I'm envious, Cynnie! I love seeing artists' sketchbooks....
The colors are great here and that Mango Fool dessert looks pretty wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm also in the oaint party friday link,, I love the color swatches,, sketch books are such interesting reading,, I will enjoy seeing the finishedpeice,, I'm a follower of your blog so I'll be back

BahamaDawn said...

great work!! i love seeing the process of your pieces also!

Dymphie said...

this painting looks lovely already :)
sorry, i'm late, back home from my weekend in the country-side i've marked all posts in my google-reader as read, now I'm hopping 'hin und her'

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