Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Connections I

I Am the Connections That I Weave
I find one of the best points about blogging is that it allows me
to weave quite a few connections in many
different and interesting directions.

My trusty screw punch was again,,,called into action.
Various watercolor stripes are connected by metallic threads.

The quote is from Suzanne at Quiet Fire Design in Canada. She
has been busy creating new quotes as well as giving her website
a fresh coat of paint. Go connect for yourself.

I am linking this to Simply Less is Moore as well as
Created by Hand which is Quiet FireĀ“s weekly challenge.


Susan said...

Super cool card...very creative and unique!! My Card

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynnie
Now which do I like best, this is difficult once again but I would say I am more drawn to the green card only because I don't venture towards blue in life or art. The holes with the use of threads is striking. You use these quotes to their optimum.

Jenny said...

ooo... a very contemporary card, love the sentiment and the threads running across the card :)
Jenny x

Evelyn S. said...

What an ingenious idea, you artist, you! I'm glad for our "connection" via blogging, too. I do love to see your work.

Dymphie said...

thanks for connecting with me xo
How a different feel these two colors have, great work!

Chris said...

Fabulous cards, Cyn. So original and I love the metallic threads

Friko said...

hier ist eine neue connection.
Ich war bei Carola Bartz und da warst du auf der 'made in Germany' ( oder so aehnlich ) blogpost.

I enjoyed my visit to your blog.

Mandi said...

So trendy and funky!
Thank you very much
Diva LIM
"Less is More"


A very interesting and thought-provoking work of art Cynthia. I think I prefer the blue version - only because the threads seem to weave a circle whereas the threads on the green one are walking away from each other. (If you see what I mean)!! Great work - love it!
Sylvia x

Kathyk said...

Fab cards and a lovely idea - your LIM "blues" card is simply lovely


Simone said...

Kompliment, Cynthia! Das sind 2 sehr ausdrucksstarke Werke! Tolle Gestaltungsidee!
LG Simone

Deborah Frings said...

Brilliant, creative, unique! Love them both - slight preference for the green :) The sentiment is fab!

Terri Kahrs said...

Very creative and so contemporary! Love these, Cynnie! I'm off to explore Suzanne's blog. Thanks for the link. Hugs, Terri xoxo

Robyn said...

fun technique to show off the great quote.
thanks for sharing with Created Byhand

Jean Franks Beck said...

What gorgeous and truly creative cards, Cynnie!! I am always inspired and refreshed when I visit you. :)

Heather said...

great quotes! I like where you took them creatively!!

Dana said...

Very interesting and creative!

Mim said...

Very cool - love it!

laury55 said...

love the idea, your card is fantastic

Trevor Lingard said...

Great work Cynthia
Kind Regards

Jess said...

Thankyou for YOUR connection Cynnie! :)x

Acornmoon said...

I agree, so many new connections and even a few diversions!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

love the colors and design on both!

Unknown said...

I just love these.. Very creative my friend.. I tried to comment yesterday but blogger was giving me fits again.
Hope you are having an awesome day!!

Hugs, Linda

Mikko Tyllinen said...

HI Cynthia!
Nice to meet you!
Thank you so much for your kind words!
Its so true what you writen here! :)

Linby said...

Great card.

~*~Patty S said...

you are getting great mileage out of that Japanese screw punch...great little tool isn't it!

~*~Patty S said...

also wanted to say (I sneezed and hit send by accident) I am so very happy we have connected...what a sweet thing that is dear Cyn!

Debs M said...

2 great cards x

Rachelxx said...

What a wonderful unique card!

Angela Weimer said...

Very unique cards. Like the green best. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Angela

Unknown said...

Oooh, I love these abstract patterns. Very clever. Happy Weekend Cynthia.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a neat concept. This is very cool!

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