Friday, November 4, 2011

Farmer´s Market

Farmer´s Market
A sunny autumn day at the local market.

Saving my whites in watercolor.

Adding more colors and defining my objects.

I shared this piece with Daily Paintworks this week.
I am also sharing it with Paint Party Friday and
What have you been up to this week....besides eating
a lot of leftover Halloween candy?

After this was posted to Blogger I see the horrific glare from
my scanner.....yikes! I hope you had your sunglasses on when
viewing...but saving whites in watercolor will blind you sometimes.


Unknown said...

Beautifully always!

Linda Starr said...

Love the colors on this one, just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cynthia. I should visit your blog more often so I can learn how to handle watercolors better. Thanks for the step by step photos. The results are nothing short of amazing. Very beautiful work. Faye

Evelyn S. said...

I thought the first image was a photo! I LOVE that soft peachy-orange of your paintings, Cynnie!

Yvonne said...

It looks great! The results from your farmer's market trip is really gorgeous. I do have these at my vegetable garden and now they're in small baskets in my living room, but I think yours are more beautiful! And you can keep them a lot longer!
Also wonderful colours in your painting Cynnie.
Bye, Yvon xxx

Unknown said...

I LOVE these rich colors and all the depth and texture you managed to show while keeping the softness of the watercolor. BeaUtiful work!.

Mary C. Nasser said...

Beautifully luminous colors!
So soft and beautiful!

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Netty said...

Wonderful life like painting as always. Happy PPF, x

Dymphie said...

wow, your paitings are always so vibrant, sehr schön!

are you going to sell your paitings on the christmas market too?

Heather said...

This painting is gorgeous. Oh, I just love it! Perfect autumnal piece!
happy friday!

Franz said...

Beautiful Farmer's market!!!
Have a nice weekend!!

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful to see your autumny piece! no candy in my house but i am thinking of making cookies ;-)

Jane said...

This is stunning! Love these bright colors... and like Evelyn , I first thought it was a photo! Really great job.
Wish you a wonderful weekend.

Chris said...

Oh no, I can't believe how much I've missed! Blogger hasn't been letting me know when you've posted. :(

Anyways, I love your paintings, especially the cactus. So lifelike. I so love seeing your artwork.

Chris x

Tracey FK said...

This is just beautiful and loved seeing it progress... such a great result and beautiful colours ... happy PPF xx

Unknown said...

This is amazing, you almost had me fooled, I thought it was a photo until i saw the step by step and took a closer look, you are very talented!


Cath Wilson said...

Lovely work and so inspiring. I would love to be able to watercolour. Beautiful x

carol l mckenna said...

Dazzling work! Love it! ~thanks, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

lori vliegen said...

absolutely stunning!! you are amazing, cynnie!! have a great weekend! xox

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, at first i thought this was a closeup photo. great step by step.
thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

wednesday said...

It's as though Autumn leaves and vegetables are made for painting, isn't it?

Beautiful painting, makes me want to rush down to the farmer's market first thing tomorrow.

bohemiannie! art said...

I can feel the bumps on your beautiful gourds!

Jim Gibbons said...

Thanks Cynthia :) This one is just lovely as well. I love the dreamy feeling you've created. Great job!!

lorik said...

Absolutely beautiful. Very inspiring.

Sadee Schilling said...

Beautiful! I love the details on the squash with "warts" and the dreamy effect of your paints.

ANNE said...

Gorgeous work!

Els said...

Another stunning painting, Cynthia!! I love the depth on this one. It could be a picture.

Unknown said...

Hello my sweet friend. Your painting is Fabulous.. I just love it in every way!!! Myles just tried squash for the first time.. He gave me that yucky face.. But I bet he would love this painting also!!! Way more than may pink one!!

Hugs, Linda

teri said...

Oh you have gone and done it again! I love your watercolors!! hugs and stuff- teri

teri said...

Oh and I forgot to mention... there was no pumpkin here either! So your pumpkin watercolor was it for me too. And Yes I ate way too much Halloween candy! UGGGG

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous, love it love it love it. love the vibrant colours and the autumn feel to it.

Janet said...

Beautiful! I love your color palette.

Fallingladies said...

This is beautiful... it's funny, I get sick of my watercolors and think I want to do something else then I see such great watercolor pieces like this and it makes me want to go back to my watercolors!

Terry said...

What can I say that has not already been said! Your painting is incredible! Have a great weekend!

Sujay said...

So attractive arrangement.Well done carry on.

Molly said...

you've captured those autumn colors beautifully!

Joni Nickrent said...

Beautiful the colors and the amazing texture you achieved!

Denise said...



so bright and cheerful ..wonderful step by step ... love the textures cynnie ..ciao

Dorien said...

Love pumpkins and love orange!
Wonderful painting!

queenb2u said...

Love your work. I too thought the gourds were a photo. Just a first time peek through your site. I'm glad I found you. Thanks for sharing.
Beth B

Martha from ilove2paint said...

sweet and awesome and yummy palette, very fall-ish

Robin Panzer Art said...

Really stunning, love the colors you've used, it makes me feel all warm and hungry at the same time! ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #10 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

Laura said...

Beautiful paintings. Thank you so much for your kind words. they mean a lot.

Terri Kahrs said...

Wow, wow, WOW! What a bright and beautiful piece, Cynnie!!! Absolutely gorgeous! You've somehow managed to capture fall in all of it's glory in this little piece!!!

Thank you for all of your warm wishes! It's so good to be back on-line. I hadn't realized that we made it into your news headlines! People will be clearing up damage for weeks! I'll never take heat and light for granted again!!! ☺ Hugs, Teri xoxox

Anonymous said...

I would have said it was impossible but you are getting better and better. This is remarkable work,
Not forgotten my reply to your e-mail but will tell you all soon.

G Peplow said...

Wonderful painting, I thought how luscious the fruit was, yum and clever:0) Gay xx
p.s Thanks for the sympathy LOL X

Steph said...

Love the art Cynthia!! have a good week!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry it’s been a while since I posted a comment. Time just gets away. Cynnie you are so adept with your brushes. i love your style. This painting is lovely. I love your cactus painting too. You are so talented.

Amanda Dilworth said...

Wow Cynnie, i think this is beautiful, amazing layering of colours.

Gaby Bee said...

Your painting is stunning! Love these vibrant colors:)

Thanks for your kind visit!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

Those are some GOR-geous veggies! I had to seriously do a double take because I thought the first picture was a photo. Amazing work!

JKW said...

OMGosh you painted that. I thought it was a picture of the market and almost went back to look at another one. Your talent is remarkable. Love it. Blessings, Janet PPF

Terrie said...

VERY well done - I feel like I can just touch the texture in those gourds! I love the blending of color in watercolor and you've done a fabulous job!

Thanks for the visit.

Yvonne said...

Gorgeous work, Cinny! I also love the Poppy Field painting.

Cally said...

The light in this is beautiful! It's great to see all your seperate stages.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

I can't believe this is a watercolor! Beautiful dimensional "warts on the gourds, and gorgeous colors,Cynthia

Kim Dellow said...

Oh wow Cynthia, just beautiful, thanks for showing the making of. Kim

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