Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fresh Greens

I spent last week painting cover papers with leftover

I bind the books and cover them with these papers.

I am spending the weekend in an acrylics workshop.
What are you painting this weekend?

I am sharing this with Paint Party Friday and Artists in


Jen xo said...

they are gorgeous, there is something very satsfying about manking book form scratch....

Carolyn Dube said...

These papers are stunning on your books!

Netty said...

An acrylic workshop sounds terrific and am sure you will have fun.
Loving your books, they will make great gifts. Happy PPF, Annette x

Anonymous said...

these look amazing,, I would love to make one of these ands have just decided,,, I'm doing it, thansk for the inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Both are absolutely gorgeous!!!

Jane said...

You are so talented Cynnie, beautiful covers ...books that would look perfect in any library. Big hug!

Franz said...

Beautiful Job Cynnie,have a great sunday!

Rod MacGregor said...

Hi Cynthia...I like the method you have used by sewing through the paper into the spine, I will try that it looks good...Acrylic covers too. Have a good Sunday...thanks!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

these are so pretty. i love the color and patterns of these journals. and your binding is excellent! thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Anneke said...

I like your books Cynnie! The covers look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

This is truly beautiful book work. xox Corrine

Sandy said...

So beautiful book Cynnie.
Love the look of green. Gorgeous work. xoxo

~*~Patty S said...

Pretty pretty books dear Cyn...perfectly lovely in every are a brilliant book maker!!!


*jean* said...

your books look beautiful!!! love the painting, it's perfect with that chartreuse spine...

Martha Kisling said...

Hi Cynthia - your papers are beautiful and I love how you used them for the books - very nice!

EVA said...

These are beautiful! Lovely journals.

Unknown said...

The colors of these books turned out awesome.. I was out of town all weekend. I spent the weekend visiting family. Sorry to say no creating this weekend..

Hugs, Linda

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

What beautiful books. Love them. I hope you had a great time at your workshop!!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Books look wonderful! The weekend is over but I was filming a tutorial on how to paint an ancient goddess. :) Thanks for asking. :)

Terry said...

You give new meaning to "Fresh Greens." Both of these books are exquisite. The ties with the added beads is sure a perfect finish. Love them both! Have a great week!

GlorV1 said...

Your books are just wonderful. Very inspiring. Makes me want to try that. Thanks for sharing.

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Beautiful greens! I love your book!

Carola Bartz said...

Such beautiful books, Cynthia, and that fresh green is a perfect color. I love them!

Dymphie said...

love these fresh green colors on your lovely books.
Cannot wait to see what you have been painting this weekend :)

queenb2u said...

So clean and neat and beautiful. Well done. I have never made a book before. These look like a treasure. bb

Jeany said...

I painted backgrounds ☺ But how great your boks look, I love the stichway. The corvers are so nice. Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Petra Tillmann said...

Great work, Cynthia! Love your stamping and colour combination!

Tammie Lee said...

these are gorgeous as can be!

jgr said...

WOW! Gorgeous covers and the books are lovely.

G Peplow said...

Fabulous books Cynthia, how clever to make your own:0) Now you have to fill them, or sell them maybe? What fun, Gay xxx

Amanda Dilworth said...

Love your books, great colours and patterns:)

Unknown said...

Cyntia, the are such lovely designs. I love that green :).

Mary C. Nasser said...

Wish I had one of those books! :)

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

maki.moniaki said...

Really preety books!

Kara K. Bigda said...

I LOVE these! Very beautiful. Great painted patterns Cynthia! :)

Anonymous said...

Cynthia, I missed this earlier! What a fabulous book. Would you like to do a demo in pics and words for my hand made journal blog? I would love to share your work and a short 'interview' with you…. if you feel like it.

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