Windows and doors.....
the openings ......
a means of letting yourself in or keeping others out.
Windows and doors.....
can be left open or closed.

Windows and doors.....
can be adorned for all to see.

Windows and doors......
can be rundown or well kept.
Windows and doors.....
can be ornamental or simple.
Windows and doors.....
can be antique or modern.
Windows and doors....
can be looked into
or seen out of.

Windows and doors.....
can be decorated or plain.
All these windows and doors can be found in
Oberammergau, Germany.
Cynnie, your captures are beautiful and your words are very true and poetic. Lovely post! Hugs, Terri
Some windows and doors can be ugly, like the ones we need to replace. Those were beautiful and I enjoyed the tour!
Cynnie, your photos also let others ‘see’ in to another world. I enjoyed looking at the different styles. Thank you. Your words were so apt.
Cynnie, thanks for sharing...really entertaining. also, I appreciate your comments on my blog. thanks!
Awesome post, Those are some gorgeous doors and windows. i do murals and faux painting but never quite this elorabate.
Quite a relief to see I'm not the only one who's taking shots of doors and windows on my way :)
You collected some nice one's, beautiful photos!! It looks like Oberammergau is an idyllic place.
Fabulous pictures! Love them all. Great inspiration for new art work. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful windows and doors from Germany they have so much character. I love to photograph both windows and doors when I can, got some really nice ones in Italy :)
Thanks for visiting me and your lovely and helpful comments on the flower art.
We recently replaced three 25-year-old doors. The new ones came in fine, but the old ones went out with so many memories. I miss them.
Deutschland ist so schön, warum denkst du sind wir hier hin gezogen :)) tolle fotos. glg janine
I love windows and doors, but I know there is nothing like those anywhere near me! Beautiful photography, Cynnie!
I love the windows and door of Europe, so different that here in the US
Hello Hello ~ was having a little trouble getting in to make a comment ... but I kept trying :)
Fantastic photos dear Cynnie ... oh my you give me wanderlust!
I have the sweetest memories of the buildings in Garmisch-P ... if I could only visit now with a digital camera oh wow! I have never been to Obberamergau ... looks like a beautiful place to visit! many thanks for sharing these!
Wonderful post! I love old and colorful or ornate doors. Your words are lovely too, very poetic.
Hi Cynnie, really interesting post, thanks for sharing:)
These are some pretty impressive doors and windows. I always love it when I see where others live. This post was so much fun because we have nothing in my little town that compares to some of these photos. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Cynnie,
I just discovered your blog via Trash to Treasure, Lynn Stevens. I'm so glad I came here. I love the windows and prose. I've decided to become a follower.
Thanks so much for posting!
Have a great day ahead
Cheryl Dolby
Healing Woman
A beautiful selection of images to illustrate a lovely post.
Good morning Cynnie - loved seeing the windows with the little crochet curtains - they remind me so much of Holland. I lived there for 17 years, married a Dutch man. Lovely post, TFS!
these are amazing doors and gorgeous photos! I wish we had doors like this in the USA! thank you so much for sharing them with us!
Great pics...great post! TFS!
What a beautiful post and photos! Germany is a place I have to visit eventually. Seeing this post makes me want to go out and try something similar, though it's pouring rain outside. Perhaps on a sunny day.
I could quite happily move into some of those premises. TFS such amazing architecture. Lynne x
I love those doors and windows - magic photos. Thanks for sharing them.
Beautiful inspiration in this post!
This post took me right back to art school, where one of my teachers - and an artist - was famous (at least among his students and in the region) for always photographing doors. He spend half his life looking at doors. We called him "Kees Deur" (his name: Kees, and his last name "Door"...) your post brought back some nice memories! Thanks!
Hello Cynnie :-)
thanks for your visits, I am so much pleasure ...
Beautiful post
interesting so far that these decorations adorn eseere culture and tradition.
Mary Good Sunday
WOW!! You have such beautiful windows and doors in Germany!!! :)
-pamela (USA)
I tend to see doors as an opening-- with possibly a mystery within-- love doors-- especially old weathered ones-- this a beautiful post.
European architecture is so much more interesting than Canadian. I love the little princess doll in the one window.
Cynnie, what a beautiful and incredible collection of architecture, and wonderful words to go with them. Thanks for giving us a tour of your part of the world.
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