Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The Perfect Pair of Shoes
I have to admit that I have a thing for well-designed, good
fitting shoes.
This quote from Quiet Fire Design says it all.

This is my entry to Crazy Amigos.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Poppy Field

Poppy Field
Poppies are everywhere right now... fields and fields
of them.
Go out in the early morning when the air is cool and the
mist still clings to the ground. It is really quiet...just you
and a field of poppies.

This is my entry to Daily Paintworks, Illustration Friday and

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lago di Garda

Lago di Garda
Many vacationers head south to Italy at this time of year.

This was painted to the music of birds chirping, bees
buzzing, the sun shining and a gentle breeze blowing.
A lovely tune to paint by,,,,donĀ“t you think?

This is my entry to Daily Paintworks and Crazy Amigos.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Photos Live Here

A Photograph Stirs the Soul
One of the many photo albums I have been binding lately.
I covered the boards with some of my marbled paper.
I like the big black spots....some of which have quite a few
tiny white speckles.....oops, air pockets.

I made a decorative plate for the front cover.
You can see another photo album here.

This is my entry to Paint Party Friday and

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Flower Power

Flower Power
A series of doodled flower cards for a friend.

The flower heads are painted with watercolor.

The leaves, stems and frames were doodled.

This is my entry to Stampotique Designers and

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stay Put

Stay Put
You can find some big olive trees in the Tuscany region of Italy.
Occasionally, you might see a majestic one standing amongst
a grove of much younger trees. It is a sight to behold.

This is my entry to The Summer of Color, Paint Party Friday and IF.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Connections II

Connections II
Today I have two bookmarks/tags as the second in
the Connections Series. The green ribbon is woven
through screw punched holes on the watercolored paper
and looped out on the upper left corner.
I then edged the piece with tissue tape.

Here I painted wet-in-wet shapes of green and yellow
watercolor and then punched holes for the yellow yarn.
As a final touch I added striped washi tape on the edges.
Before washi tape was all the rage I would mask off my
edges and draw stripes with various gel pens...washi tape
saves so much time.

The quote is from Quiet Fire Design in Canada.
This is my entry to Summer of Color.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Connections I

I Am the Connections That I Weave
I find one of the best points about blogging is that it allows me
to weave quite a few connections in many
different and interesting directions.

My trusty screw punch was again,,,called into action.
Various watercolor stripes are connected by metallic threads.

The quote is from Suzanne at Quiet Fire Design in Canada. She
has been busy creating new quotes as well as giving her website
a fresh coat of paint. Go connect for yourself.

I am linking this to Simply Less is Moore as well as
Created by Hand which is Quiet FireĀ“s weekly challenge.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

You Sparkle

You Sparkle
Somebody should really take my ink pen away from me.
I donĀ“t know what is more addictive....punching swiss cheese
type holes in everything with my screw punch or doodling
on every piece of paper I can find.

Hope your day sparkles!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Taking time in your garden is a remedy for anything
that might ail you.
Have a great weekend!

This is my entry to Illlustration Friday and

More or Less

Just Be You
I like geometric shapes. I added a bit MORE on this
card by doodling around each shape with my trusty
pilot pen. I like to doodle.

Here is how it looked before I jazzed it up.
A lot LESS without the black contrast.
I like both versions but I will let you decide for yourself.
What do you think?

This is my entry to Simply Less is Moore.
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